Friday, May 24, 2013

I’m Going (Runner’s World Run) Streaking!!!

Monday marks the unofficial beginning of summer -- which, as I’ve noted, is not my favorite season. I spend many a day as close to a fan or air conditioner as possible, and the heat and humidity make me grumpy. (Cue comments from peanut gallery.) 

Monday also marks the beginning of the Runner’s World Summer Run Streak. The aim is to bridge the gap between spring and fall training programs at a time when it’s easy to fall off the wagon, have a few too many servings of potato salad and lose some of the strength and stamina you’ve worked hard to gain. 

I don’t have to worry about the potato salad -- I despise mayonnaise -- but, since the Winter Run Streak helped me get back on my game after my disastrous fall marathon, I figure I’ll give the Summer Run Streak a shot as I bridge the gap between my upcoming half (the Amica Iron Horse Half Marathon on June 2) and the beginning of training for my fall marathon (the Smuttynose Rockfest on Oct. 6). 

The concept of the streak, for the initiated, is to run at least one mile every day between Memorial Day and Independence Day (39 days in all). During the winter streak (Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day), I made it 12 days before stubborn toe pain sidelined me. Of the 12 days, I ran a short, 1.5-mile-route at least six times -- meaning, it’s actually not as hard as it sounds. There is not, as far as my virtual friends at Runner’s World attest, any actual streaking involved. 

In addition to the run streak -- which I’ll be participating in via the #RWRunStreak Twitter hashtag so as to not bore you with all the details here -- there is the prestigious Runner’s World Pun Streak (#RWPunStreak). Frankly, I take far more pride in this streak. Anyone can run 39 straight days, but coming up with running repartee for 39 straight days is not for the faint of heart.

Anyway, the Runner’s World Summer Run Streak is a great way to kick off your summer and prepare you for the grind that summer running can be. Give it some thought,and happy running!

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